Homehow toHow to Extract URL Starting With 'https' From a Cell in Excel

How to Extract URL Starting With ‘https’ From a Cell in Excel

Extracting URLs from a cell in Excel can be challenging, especially when dealing with large datasets. However, with the right formula, this task becomes straightforward. This guide will walk you through the process using a combination of Excel functions to extract URL or entire words starting with “https”.

In this guide, we will show you a simple yet effective way to extract a whole word starting with a string/text from a cell in Excel using a combination of functions. This method is particularly useful for data analysts, web developers, and anyone dealing with large datasets containing URLs.

Step-by-Step Guide to Extract URLs

Formula to Extract URLs

To extract a whole word starting with “https” from a cell in Excel, use the following formula:

=MID(A1, FIND("https", A1), FIND(" ", A1 & " ", FIND("https", A1)) - FIND("https", A1))

Explanation of the Formula

  1. FIND (“https”, A1): This part of the formula locates the starting position of the string “https” within the text in cell A1.
  2. A1 & ” “: Appends a space to the end of the text in cell A1. This ensures that the function can find the space after the URL, even if it is at the end of the cell.
  3. FIND(” “, A1 & ” “, FIND(“https”, A1)): Finds the position of the first space after the “https” string. This helps in determining the end of the URL.
  4. MID(A1, FIND(“https”, A1), FIND(” “, A1 & ” “, FIND(“https”, A1)) – FIND(“https”, A1)): Extracts the substring starting from “https” up to the first space.

Practical Example

Let’s apply the formula with a practical example:

Example Data

  • Cell A1: “Visit our website at https://example.com for more info.”

Applying the Formula

Step 1: Enter the text in cell A1.

Step 2: In cell B1, enter the formula:

=MID(A1, FIND(“https”, A1), FIND(” “, A1 & ” “, FIND(“https”, A1)) – FIND(“https”, A1))

Step 3: Press Enter. Cell B1 will now display “https://example.com“.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can this formula handle multiple URLs in one cell?

Ans: No, this formula is designed to extract only the first occurrence of a word starting with “https”. For multiple URLs, a more complex approach is needed.

Q2: What if the URL is at the end of the cell without any trailing space?

Ans: The formula accounts for this by appending a space to the cell content (A1 & ” “), ensuring the correct extraction.


Using the formula provided, you can easily extract URLs starting with “https” from cells in Excel. This method is efficient and can save you a significant amount of time when dealing with large datasets. For more advanced Excel tips and tricks, stay tuned!

By following this structured approach, you can enhance your data processing skills in Excel and ensure accurate URL extraction for your projects.

Also Read: Guide: How to Change the Letter Case in Cells in Excel



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