You can take the following actions to remove a Git branch both locally and remotely:
Deleting a Local Git Branch:
Verify that you are not now on the branch that you wish to remove. Git checkout may be used to switch to a different branch if necessary.
git checkout another-branch
Apply the -d option to delete the local branch. The branch will only be erased if it has been completely merged into the current branch, thanks to this option.
git branch -d branch-to-delete
Git will not allow the branch to be deleted using the -d option if it has unmerged changes. If so, you may use -D to remove it permanently:
git branch -D branch-to-delete
Deleting a Git branch remotely:
You may use the git push command with the –delete (or -d) option followed by the remote branch name to remove the remote branch.
git push origin --delete remote-branch-to-delete
The name of the branch you wish to remove from the remote repository should be substituted for remote-branch-to-delete. By using this command, the remote repository is informed to remove the given branch.
These actions will result in the branch’s deletion from the remote repository as well as locally. To remove the branch from the remote repository, you may need admin or write access, so make sure you have the required rights. Additionally, exercise caution when removing branches, particularly from shared repositories, and be sure the branch is no longer required before doing so.